International Women’s day, 8th March, is a day to celebrate the incredible contributions of women around the world on 8th March. On this special day, we honor and recognise the achievements of women on the social, cultural, economic, and political fronts. From ending gender inequality to promoting peace across nations, women have been pioneering positive change for centuries. This Women’s Day2023 is an opportunity for us to pay tribute to their resilience and courage in making our society a better place. Bongjournal is saluting their invaluable contributions and conveying inspiring messege from their views thoughts and stories of success.

For me, every day is women's day. We don't have to celebrate women's day on a particular day only when we could establish equal rights for every woman. Our society has always seen women in two aspects, rather divided into two. Bad women and good women second, upper class and lower class. Few even belong to even below that margin. Now, why this division? Few women in society get the advantage of education, healthy life due to their family background and opportunity. But all are not as lucky as these women. If some are not getting the opportunity that doesn't mean that they have no right to move forward. It is the duty of those progressive women to hold the hand of those less advantaged women to inspire them. Let's stand beside each other. Few women have managed to get independent, but the number is very few. There was a time when women were forced to be under the surveillance of their father, husband and sometimes their sons. But time has changed now. True independence can be defined as when women could make their own decision. with their own self-respect. But that doesn't mean waywardness. Only true independence of a woman could build a progressive society and heal the family.

Every year INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY , come up with a campaign theme, this year 2023 is embrace equity DigitAll innovation and technology for gender equality. We can all truly embrace equity, and raise awareness on digital education and inclusive and transformative education technology to empower today's women ....It's not just something we say. It's not just something we write about. It's something we need to think about, know, value and embrace. It's what we believe in, unconditionally. Equity means creating an inclusive world. Be Strength to Every woman, Come Forward to Support every Women Around You, who Needs it, which can be mental, emotional, social, informational and so on....with full on Confidence, Courage and a Good Intention, she can be your maid, your friend, your daughter, your neighbour , your colleague and anyone in and around You. Happy Women's Day to all the strong , intelligent, talented and simply wonderful women. For me every day should be a Woman's day, where women should be celebrated, respected, empowered, and supported.
Only One Day , 8th March, can be Accepted to Celebrate all over the world... , because I feel, on the very same day, that Spark of the Feeling of Unity , Equality , Inclusivity in Diversity is ignited in everyone's mind...which creates more awareness among people about the motto of this Day and help in creating the Desired Change and Empower the entire planet equally. If you Ask me, it's STILL A LONG WAY TO GO. Women are doing wonders in almost every field, But if women were really independent, by now.... then why would these awareness, empowerment and such programs are still taking place at all? The equality campaign, digital awareness of women campaign and so many more are still being conducted, all over the world, because we are still struggling in this patriarchal society to make our voices heard, to get our deserving platform, to get that Recognition, but I am hopeful, that one day, all these hard work will get its due Recognition, and will Celebrate Women's Day in a much different will be a Real Celebration of Victory....

Let us create an inclusive world together. We can all challenge gender stereotypes. Draw attention to bias and seek out inclusion. Collective activism is what drives changes from grass root action to wild-scale momentum. Together we can embrace equity, celebrate women's achievements and raise awareness about discrimination. Take action to drive gender parity. This is my message on international women's day when we embrace equity we embrace diversity and we embrace inclusion to me. International women's day means collectively fighting a positive change bringing about harmony and unity and helping drive success for all. Is there really a need for celebration? I would say equality is the goal, and equity is the means to get there, so there is definitely a need for an international women's day celebration. let us all step forward and commit to embracing equity. Are women independent today? This is 2023. We have developed a lot now. compared to what we wore a century ago when we started working, women are earning, and girls are provided with education. According to me, women are independent to a certain extent. there is a lot more independence that we need to get. Let's stress equity today and always. Let's all step forward and commit to embrace equity.

On the occasion of International women's day, I just want to convey a message to other women that look forward. Particularly to those who are less advantaged in society. Forget all the disrespect, insult and abuse. If you keep on memorising these you couldn't progress. The time has come when you have to move on. Build your career. No work is shameful and I must say to those women who are already in a favourable position in society, to support and inspire them. So that they never felt neglected anymore. As well all know that improvement of the society depends on the progress of women. Even I believe that the victory of women means the victory of men too and vice-versa. Then only we could build a progressive society and world.
I want to say that every woman should work towards their financial stability & creative fulfilment. Being independent & content with one’s work brings about a self-assurance that is needed to live better. It helps in making the correct & relevant life choices.
There still exist areas where women don’t voice up their opinions, think for themselves & blindly admit submission to others.. As women we got conditioned more than being liberated. Different women will shed their conditioning & inhibitions at a different pace. Things have changed enormously & there is room for change. Always.
Sometimes questions arise like whether we really need to celebrate women's day. Just like we have 15th August to remind us that we are a free nation & can exercise our rights to freedom 24x7, let’s look at Women’s Day similarly. It’s the one day to reinforce the feeling that we have the whole year rigged in our favor & it’s upon us as to how we make the best use of it. Personally, that’s what Women’s Day means to me. Also, I am greedy for a few lifestyle deals & discounts available on this day